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Build Your Own .NET Language and Compiler download

Build Your Own .NET Language and Compiler by Edward G. Nilges

Build Your Own .NET Language and Compiler

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Build Your Own .NET Language and Compiler Edward G. Nilges ebook
ISBN: 1590591348, 9781590591345
Format: chm
Page: 408
Publisher: Apress

If you have a compliant OS and a fast internet connection, you should be able to install all the stuff easily. Certainly every processor has its own assembler and they are very specific, but the browser's JavaScript VM is what runs the "new machine code. The common language runtime (CLR), which NET Framework Class Library, which provides a library of tested, reusable code that developers can call from their own applications. NET Framework Portable Class Library, developers can create assemblies that work on multiple . NET Framework provides a run-time environment called the Common Language Runtime, which manages the execution of code and provides services that make the development process easier. Compiler assistance: It felt really good to get back to a compiled language. The C# developer base is huge, so a native C# compiler will push the language even further to new platforms and projects that are currently unsuitable for development with C#. The compiler not only checks for code that can theoretically result in a runnable program, but also disallows things that can lead to problems later on. It will enable developers to write ALL Net assembly. Most importantly, he provides some answers as to why you would want to create your own DSL and discusses why he chooses to create DSL's on top of the Boo language. There ARE products which "post-build" your IL modules to x86 and statically link .NET dependencies. .net framework basics – part1. These examples will consume my JWSDP web service (if not on-line, use it as a template for your own use), and the Infobel .NET phone directory web service The SDK is free and allow you to compile, using the command-line, in C# .NET, C++ .NET, VB .NET and even in J# (I won't cover the use of the J# language to make a SOAP client in my doc). NET Framework class library is a collection of reusable types that tightly integrate with the common language runtime. Mozilla is doing this with the clear goal to compile things to JavaScript and make it perform well. The .NET Framework is a managed execution environment that provides a variety of services to its running applications. This looks like it's going to happen soon.